Le kome-koji, ou koji de riz blanc est un riz blanc poli et fermenté par un microorganisme, un champignon filamenteux nommé Aspergillus oryzae producteur d’enzymes (amylases, protéases…) qui est au cœur de la tradition culinaire japonaise, depuis plus de 1 000 ans. |
Sake Glossary by the Society for Nada Sake Research (SNSR)
Nihon sankai meisan zue 日本山海名産図会 (Illustrated Guide to Notable Products of Japan’s Mountains and Seas), 1799, Illustrated book. Vol. 1 of five volumes; detailed description of sake brewing in Itami. Illustrations depicting the sake-making process, from steaming the rice to the making of rice koji (upper) and sake-pressing (lower).Woodblock-printed.© The Trustees of the British Museum.
McIntyre, L. (editor), A. Trmčić, K. Paphitis, N. Parto and the Fermented Foods working group. (2023). Safety of fermented foods. Assessing risks in fermented food processing practices and advice on how to mitigate them. Section 3.10 Koji and Miso. Environmental Health Services, BC Centre for Disease Control. September 2023.
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